As this is
my last post, and I am moving on to other Internet projects, I think it’s best
to move on with some thoughts on recent false teachings that I have
encountered. That’s fitting because the goal
of these pages has not been of a devotional nature, but to keep people alert regarding religious trends in America.
I was
reading in Romans 3 this morning and was struck by the apologist tones of
Paul. He was ever a defender of the
faith and often answered slanders and misconceptions in his writings. In this chapter he answers a slander that
some were saying and affirming that he said “the more we sin” the better we
will show the righteousness of God (verse 8).
Apparently there was a thought going around that it was better to be
sinful because it showed more clearly the righteousness of God. Although this is clearly false, to a
fledgling church in the midst of Roman philosophies, it might have had some weight.
we are finding people saying things just as false that could not possibly be promoted by a
godly influence. However, it is apparently having weight with some immature
One particular thing is this:"The words in Red are the only ones we need to care about." The idea being the only words that are important are the words that Christ said himself.
scripture states in I Timothy 3:16-17
scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of
God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
30:5 Every word of God [is] pure: he [is] a shield unto them that put their
trust in him.
example, if want to see an explanation sin and its working in our lives, we find no better
explanation than in the Pauline Epistles.
But this word “sin” is only mentioned in totality 15 times in the Gospels. However, Romans 6-7 describes the sinfulness of man and how that sinfulness
effects our everyday lives. This is not
explained as fully in the gospels. Jesus
tells us that If we have sin, we cannot be with him, and tells us that he who
commits sin is the servant of sin. However, in the Epistles alone, General and
Pauline, sin is mentioned and taught about total of 74 times. Should we then throw that witness away because Jesus did not speak these words?
find very little explanation about the relationship between husbands and wives
in the Gospel, but receive light through Ephesians, I Peter and Genesis. There is
no better understanding about the working of the Spirit to create the structure
of the church that in I Corinthians 12.
false teachers have used this tactic before to cover up other false teachings
and induce people to de-value certain portions of the bible--portions which
condemn their errors. The Seventh Day
Adventists for example in their writings hold to this same type of mentality
that the certain words in the bible are to be given more credence than others. Once again, as I’ve said on this blog, no one scripture
should be used to enforce anything like it’s a doctrine, since God never leaves
himself without a witness to the truth. Scripture must be studied and prayed over
before it is enforced in any form.
the Book of Numbers15:32, the God gave Israel the Law about the Sabbath. Anyone
who broke the Sabbath was to be stoned. But
notice even with the law being clear, they prayed and sought God about what to do.
They respected the voice of God as well as
the law. I believe this should always be done when in comes to doctrines, because, as in this case some doctrines effect people's lives more than others.
is deeply tragic about anyone pushing these thoughts is that, no man speaking
by the Spirit of God can misrepresent the gospel in such a dangerous way. (I
Cor 12:13). Whoever has started this
dangerous trend is in danger themselves and certainly not in good fellowship
with Christ. Such teaching is biblical
interpretation without the touch of God’s Holy Spirit.
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