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Monday, May 23, 2011

Working Hard Can Never Replace Obedience

Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?  Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?  He hath showed thee O man, what is good; and what doeth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6: 7-8.
      Often people talk about how hard they work FOR the Lord.  The full impact of this scripture will be seen in our lives when we understand what God is try to tell us here.  This was written by Micah, who a contemporary of the more well known prophet Isaiah.  Simultaneously these men from two completely different walks of life (Isaiah was an aristocrat and Micah a peasant farmer), proclaimed God’s judgments against the leaders of backslidden Judah.   Although these men may not have met, God put the same burden on their heart, for the same people, in the same time period.  There is always someone else who has not bowed their knee to Baal. We should never allow ourselves to feel alone.

      Micah is trying to tell us that sacrificing money and time with church attendance, involvement in spiritual functions, choir singing and the like, do not move God.  Until these actions are preceded by an obedient life and motivated by his will and unction, they do not excite God one bit.  Immense sacrifice and proclamations of devotion do not excite the Almighty.   God is pleased with obedience to his voice.  Elder Willie Gordon, a holiness preacher, once said that too many people are working FOR God and not working WITH God.  Dr. Jerry Pipes, speaker and writer on evangelism and families,  echoed this sentiment when he said we should “Find out what God is doing and join Him”.[1]  God moves and we should move with Him.  This takes prayer and waiting to see God’s direction.  Too many religious activities today are self –centered, self- proclaimed and oriented toward personal accomplishments.  We make our legacy in this world by finding out what direction God is going and moving in the same direction.  Then, no one can take credit and certainly, no one can point blame. God will be all, in all.
Passing on the Torch

[1] Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee. Family to Family: Leaving a Lasting Legacy. USA: North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1999, p.71.


  1. I heard a preacher say some time ago that 99% obedience is still disobedience. I agree with what you have written.

    This what we all need to hear as we all need to be challenged to get our priorities and motives right. Got knows the motives of our hearts and we often forget that.

    Kepp up the good work.


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