Isaiah 6: 8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying Whom shall I send and who will go for us? then said I, Here am I; send me.
I woke up this morning and thought about all of the people that I come across everyday. I had gathered a lot of prayer requests throughout the week. But I wanted to go deeper. I wanted to take things a step further in winning others to Christ. I realize that when I seek to reach out more, God will require more from my heart. I had been wondering why God was tugging on my heart so much about digging deeper and put more of my personal needs on the altar of sacrifice. I have a goal. I want to lead more people to Christ this year than I have in the past. I am realizing more and more that personal evangelism does not take a dynamic personality. You do not have to be particularly outgoing or charismatic. Winning people to the Lord takes being obedient in my personal walk. It takes being faithful to the call to witness. It takes showing love to your family and not stopping there; showing care to people you don't know. Show the love of Christ to people outside of my usual circle of friends, and above all-- listen. Listening to people goes a long way. Do I ever ask the guy who is selling the newspaper if he wants me to pray for anything? Do I tune in to the lady at the hair salon when she tells me about her spiritual views without constantly trying to interject mine? Sometimes we have to be ready to listen, sow a little seed and come back and water it later. Right now there is a woman I know who works real hard at her job with almost no breaks. I am going to do something nice for her and see how the Lord works.
Wise words from Solomon: Ecclesiastes 11:6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good.
Hey, great blog. keep up the good work. Us evengelists need to encourage eachother.
Gospel One To One.
This is very true! If each one can reach one we could change the world.Christ met the needs of the people by being amongst the people and as you stated listening to their needs. I am reminded of Christ's admonishment to his disciples to launch out into the deep. This is a very good post. I don't want to stay in the shallow end of the pool.