Proximity and the
authority of the individual involved make all the difference in how wrong ideas
are spread. Harmful teachings and beliefs can be passed easily from one
Christian to another like a virus. The carbon is always darker than the
original. This is exponentially true in religion. I have seen this exponential
effect many times in my ministry. The person who has the real influence sits in
the background and infects others who speak for them and are more zealous than
the original carrier.
No wonder Paul had to say, “But though we, or an angel from
heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto
you, let him be accursed.” (Gal.1:8). Paul had to think of the highest being
that could bring a teaching other than Christ himself to wake up the Galatians
that they were falling away from the teachings of Christ.
The problem with influence, wrong influence, is that one can
become caught in a death struggle between pleasing men and being true to God
and your conscience. Healthy religious systems will not put a person in that position.
There should never be a conflict between obedience to God and obedience to men.
1. I was more worried about how they
saw me than what God was telling me. What they would think about this or
that always loomed in the background, and
People often stay in places that are not healthy spiritually
because they are afraid of what their friends or relatives will say, even
though they are not happy. A young woman got saved through a message I preached
one Sunday, and I went to visit her personally that week to see how she was
doing. Now our church was down the street from her home, but she was too
frightened of displeasing her family by attending a church other than one their
‘family’ church would approve of, which was in a far suburb.
I have done a lot of reading and studying on dysfunctional
religious systems and have even encountered dysfunctional religious practices
in my lifetime in personal experience and one thing continues to emerge. People
can become trained to be loyal to a person, philosophy, or group rather than
have allegiance to the truths of the Bible. The opinion of the group becomes a
phantom of oppression and something to be feared.
If anyone veers from the group's opinion, it becomes wrong,
even if they have no scripture or biblical principle for it. Oppression of
opinion replaces the liberty of the Spirit of God. You may wonder how, in
cults, people can stand by and watch stealing, pedophilia, and abuses? Because
they have come under the influence of men and men's opinions about right and
wrong, this becomes the focus--not God.
If you remember the peer pressure of high school, you will have an idea of the wrong type of conformity than can rear its ugly head and create an atmosphere of being bullied into believing. Systems such as the People’s Temple, Jehovah’s Witness groups where “shunning” is practiced, certain Latter Day Saints groups and even mainstream churches can fall prey to becoming oppressive systems. 2 Corinthians notes “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”[1] Every saved person should be free to obey God as long as it does not cause those around him to stumble[2].
If you remember the peer pressure of high school, you will have an idea of the wrong type of conformity than can rear its ugly head and create an atmosphere of being bullied into believing. Systems such as the People’s Temple, Jehovah’s Witness groups where “shunning” is practiced, certain Latter Day Saints groups and even mainstream churches can fall prey to becoming oppressive systems. 2 Corinthians notes “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”[1] Every saved person should be free to obey God as long as it does not cause those around him to stumble[2].
Gal 5:13 --For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty…
What can we learn from this? First, serving
God is an individual matter. Romans 14:4
teaches us not to judge another man’s servant.
To his own master, he stands or falls. Often
in conservative religious groups the need for everyone to do the same thing circles
around the fear of being labeled backslidden. This hinders those that may do something
slightly different but nevertheless are approved by God in their walk with Him.
Second, never allow a person to take the
place of God in your life. Their wants, wishes,
convictions, may not be what God is calling you to do. Third and finally, the problem with influence is
that it is subtle and indirect. A person
may not even realize they are under wrong influences or that they are being influenced
to do the wrong things. Usually, the person will think they’re right. Just
remember, that doesn’t mean they are. What
is that inner alarm and small voice telling you? God always is faithful.
Renee Milton©2012
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